Second Reformation

21st Century Beliefs
​What can a New Christian believe in the 21st Century?

hat remains for New Christianity after discarding so much of the Bible?
Much. To wit:
There is a God, and that God is neither male nor female, but exhibits characteristics of both. God is both loving and just, personal and impersonal. God is ineffable.
There was a man named Jesus of Nazareth, a religious sage, who was charismatic, both literally and figuratively. He taught how to live successfully in this world using assistance from God’s power. He taught a transformative “Kingdom of God” in this life which individual seekers could discover, and that discovery would lead to great personal satisfaction, as precious as a pearl of great price. He taught that the Kingdom would spread to all who followed his path, making a universal Kingdom. He spoke truth to the corrupt power of the Jewish elite which subsequently delivered him to the Roman occupying authorities in Israel who executed him for sedition. He reappeared after death as a spirit to prove that our essence is not material. He will not return in bodily form.
There is a Holy Spirit that is the active power of God in this world. It encourages, guides, convicts, heals, and energizes. It is influenced by prayer.
Prayer works if it is in conformance with God’s will. The power of prayer remains a mystery.
Everyone has a soul that survives death and there will be a judgement of one’s life after death.
Christianity is a religion that teaches non-violence, kindness, and service to those in need. It is a religion that advocates the avoidance of sin as described in the Ten Commandments of Moses and the instructions of Jesus, including restraining our anger, and not holding grudges nor seeking revenge. As modern research reveals the life and times of Jesus' ministry in Galilee, we discover that Jesus was strongly interested in social justice.
Christianity teaches us to apologize for our errors to whomever we offend, and that God subsequently overlooks those errors.
Christianity teaches that God has a plan for everyone, and that by following God’s plan, people can find purpose and meaning in life, avoiding the modern scourges of depression and nihilism (meaninglessness). God “elects” some people for special tasks, but not for damnation or salvation. God’s will is that all people find “salvation,” that is, the Kingdom of God.
God has a plan for the world that will make life on earth “as it is in heaven,” as God’s followers labor and pray to make it so.
Science and mathematics are evidence of a rational Mind at work in the creation of the universe. Both should be embraced as evidence of God’s existence.
We have authentic free will and can act in both good and sinful ways. Naturally, it is also true that our lives are somewhat determined by our place and time and by our innate characteristics and talents, probably set by our DNA and environment.
The presence of suffering and evil in the world is not God’s will. Most suffering comes from human sin and ignorance. It is apparent that God has stepped back from his creation to some extent which allows for cause and effect and randomness to occur, but He will step back into our lives if asked. It is also apparent that everyone encounters difficulties in life. God promises to assist us in our difficulties, but we must ask for His help. Difficulties and disappointments offer all people the opportunity to build character and give them a sympathetic outlook on others’ troubles. Difficulties and disappointments cannot be avoided.
Heaven and Hell are quite real. They are states of mind that exist here on earth within us, and perhaps after death. God wants all people to escape from his or her Hell and to enter Heaven in this life and the next.
The Devil is very real, but only as a metaphor. His only “power” is temptation. In reality, it is our own thoughts that tempt us.
The Bible is not inerrant. The Old Testament consists mainly of the folk tales of an ancient people, with occasional inspirational writings. The New Testament’s most truthful parts are the Gospels of Matthew, Mark, and Luke, although some error exists in them as well.
Let us begin to strip the barnacles off the ship of Christianity and return to the beliefs as given by the Messiah Jesus long ago. Let us begin a "New Christianity."